Science applied to research that seeks to improve plants and the technology developed to multiply and propagate its results is perhaps one of the industry disciplines that has developed the most in recent years.
The genetic improvement of plants seeks to provide answers to producers, companies and the market, producing varieties with better and faster yields; with the capacity to produce in non-traditional edaphoclimatic environments; with qualities to face excess heat or zero cold hours; produce in situations of water scarcity; in soil or inert substrates; and with higher quality fruit, with a larger size and better flavor, among other attributes that are required of the agro-export industry.
For the actors of a modern and technological industry, such as the global agro-fruit industry, it is essential to be informed of new tools, other applications, management, tests and the latest related to crops in a perspective of permanent development, to be every day more competitive in a demanding and demanding market, such as the export and import of fruit.