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Siropack in the US

"Respect" patent the protagonist of the NPE fair in Orlando

The technology developed by Siropack, a company based in Cesenatico (Forlì-Cesena), boasts a long series of patents for its automatic packaging machines for fresh produce, food and pharmaceutical products and was presented at NPE in Orlando (USA). Feedback was widely positive.

Rocco De Lucia with colleagues Michele Di Genova and Caterina Torroni.

"We entered the US market a few years ago with our out-of-line padding systems, but this was the first occasion to showcase our products in a leading US fair dedicated to the plastic sector. Our technology raised the interest of important names and, in fact, we received a long list of orders for our machines - which are much appreciated in Canada as well - already at the fair," explains owner Rocco De Lucia.

The highlight of the stand was definitely the patent for "Respect", an innovative system for the sealing of single-material APET trays. After being officially recognized in Europe and various countries worldwide in 2023, Siropack improved and integrated this technology by filing for new patents for the control of correct sealing and tray traceability.

"In addition to the great interest manifested by both existing and new clients, we are very pleased with the attention of the Plastics Today magazine, which featured Respect among the five best innovations presented at NPE."

It was not just companies and magazines that showed their interest for the Siropack technologies. "During the fair, we welcomed representatives from the state of West Virginia, who presented us with a million-dollar offer to transfer our registered office and patents to the US. The paradox is that, while the US are looking at Italian packaging innovations with a lot of interest, in Italy and Europe we are witnessing political forces that are trying to block what are actually precious resources for the entire system in economic and productive terms."

"Every company that moves its registered office to the US takes away wealth from the Italian system: this situation should make our politicians think about the importance of safeguarding the Packaging Valley, instead of damaging it."

For more information:
Siropack Italia S.r.l.

Via Balitrona 22/C
47042 Cesenatico (FC)
+39 0547 671116
[email protected]

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