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Leon van den Hombergh, Frankort & Koning:

"With temperatures ranging from 15 to 18 degrees, melon consumption is not taking off"

Traditionally, melon sales can be gauged by the thermometer, and therefore, this year has been challenging. "The weather dictates sales and prices, and with this cold, wet, windy spring, we're facing a severely disappointing melon market. At temperatures of 15 to 18 degrees, you simply can't get melon consumption off the ground," explains Leon van den Hombergh of Frankort & Koning.

"We wrapped up the overseas season a few weeks ago. Spain started with relatively small volumes from Almería, which were just about absorbed by the market, but then volumes from Italy, Turkey, Greece, and Murcia hit the market, and for those, we really need higher consumption," says the importer.

"And then, European retailers have quite a few promotions planned, but due to disappointing sales, they will also be cautious about scheduling the next ones. At the same time, there's no other fruit that is performing exceptionally well. After all, we're already halfway through June, and there's no fruit that is being consumed well above expectations. A slight weather improvement is expected next week, but it will by no means be sufficient to kickstart stable sales," Leon anticipates.

"For now, we're seeing disappointing prices, both farm-gate and retail. Everyone makes certain forecasts, and when these are not met, stocks still hit the market, with all the quality consequences that entails. Currently, Galia and Cantaloupe melons are being sold for 5 euros per box, and watermelons are going out the door at a kilo price of 70 cents. Overall, prices that cannot be satisfactory through the entire chain. The only thing that could now lead to a revival is the bad weather in Spain, including local hail in Murcia, resulting in fields not being harvested, which means less volume is harvested and shipped."

For more information:
Leon van den Hombergh
Frankort & Koning B.V.
+31 (0)77 3897 202
+31 (0)6 5123 8770
[email protected]

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