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Fruit Graders SL operates all over the world

Second-hand sorting lines can be installed for cherries too

The harvesting of cherries is underway throughout almost all of Europe and, in order to provide consumers with the best quality, efficient and high-performing sorting lines are needed. It is however not always possible to purchase new equipment, e.g. when starting new entrepreneurial projects with not enough capital available, or in case of small companies that would not be able to fully take advantage of the potential of a new line.

That is why more and more used processing lines are being installed. Fruit Graders SL is a specialist in the purchase of second-hand lines. It has recently installed and activated 4 second-hand cherry sorting and packaging lines in 4 different countries. "Specifically, we set up a 4-line sorter in Romania, a 2-line machine in Germany, another 2-line sorter in South Africa and, finally, a 4-line solution in Spain," explains the manager Leonardo Bigoni."

Everything is disassembled, overhauled and reassembled by Fruit Graders technicians. "All lines are disassembled by our technicians, reconditioned and reinstalled by our experts. Customers are provided with all the instructions and information on how to best use them."

"The second-hand lines we purchase can be 6 or 7 years old, but frequently even 10 years old or more. Anyway, they are disassembled by our technicians, tuned up and made fully efficient, tested and finally exported to the purchasing companies."

"We have extensive experience and our technicians are very prepared, so we can guarantee that our processing lines will last a very long time."

For more information:
Port Ginesta , 08860
Sitges – Espana
+34 692 925439
+39 329 8224678
[email protected]

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