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Nigerian supermarket under scrutiny for tomato pricing

In Abuja, Nigeria, the Ebeano Supermarket has come under scrutiny for escalating the prices of tomatoes and peppers amid a scarcity. Social media platforms have been abuzz with images depicting a significant markup for three tomatoes, priced at N6,950 (€4.87). This surge is attributed to the ongoing scarcity, with the supermarket reportedly justifying the hike due to the limited availability of these commodities.

The price of tomatoes caused outrage on social media / Credit: Olaudah Equiano/X - Twitter.

The scarcity has been exacerbated by a disease outbreak, colloquially termed Tomato Ebola, which has ravaged tomato farms in Northern Nigeria, leading to a sharp decline in tomato and spice supplies. This situation has prompted a state in the North to declare a state of emergency, as the pestilence inflicted by moths has decimated large swathes of tomato crops. Consequently, Nigerians are exploring alternative sources for these staples, as prices continue to soar, reflecting the severity of the scarcity.


Photo source: Twitter X

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