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Potatoes USA awarded $6.5 mIn RAPP Funding

In October 2023, Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack launched the Regional Agricultural Promotion Program (RAPP) to build demand for American food and farm exports in high-potential markets around the world. To capitalize on this new grant funding opportunity, Potatoes USA met with potato industry leaders and global partners to apply for a variety of activities to support the goal of diversifying market development opportunities for U.S. potatoes.

Last month, Secretary Vilsack announced $6.5 million of RAPP's initial funding round would be allocated to Potatoes USA to pursue those outlined activities and expand export opportunities for U.S. potatoes.

For more information:
Potatoes USA
3675 Wynkoop Street
Denver, CO 80216
Tel.: +1 (303) 369-7783

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