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Primus inter pares

Obituary Rien van Geest (1933-2024)

On 6 July, M.L.S. (Rien) van Geest passed away at the age of 91. If there ever was anyone who lived and breathed the produce trade, it was Rien. Starting with commission business M.L.S. van Geest from auction Naaldwijk - taken over from his father-in-law - Rien founded Van Geest International bv (VGI) in 1974. Because the future was not in commission trading, Rien was well aware of that even then. His three sons Wim, Rene and Philip also joined the family business in the following years and further developed VGI into what it is today. This year, VGI celebrated its 50th anniversary in June, a milestone Rien was still able to witness during his lifetime.

"An amiable man with respect for everyone, he was also insightful and extremely helpful to those who asked him for advice. And there have been many. In early January, Rien moved to the Rozenhof in Naaldwijk, after more than two years of very fine home care by an incredibly kind care au-pair. With his joy and gratitude to be surrounded daily by his family and the good care, they made it a nice time. Conscious in the moment, but quickly blurred as Alzheimer's took more and more hold on Rien's memory. In the last few months, Rien's health continued to deteriorate. His body had run out of steam."

Until the last day, Rien asked his sons, "how is the business, is it still busy?" That was Rien: Rien was VGI and VGI is Rien. The primus inter pares of the van Geest family. That legacy remains.

Early on Saturday morning, Rien passed away, peacefully, in his sleep. He lived to be 91 years old.

Rien's memorial service will be in the Ontmoetingskerk in Naaldwijk on Saturday 13 July, starting at 10.30 am, followed by a private funeral. Condolences are possible on 12 July in the same Ontmoetingskerk from 19.00 - 19.40 hrs.

Correspondence address: Van Beuningenstraat 29, 2676 CX Maasdijk

In lieu of flowers, please make a donation to the Alzheimer's Foundation via

Click here to view the funeral card

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