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Central Afghanistan

Satisfying cherry yield coupled with market challenges in Maidan Wardak

Farmers in Maidan Wardak province, Afghanistan, have reported an increase in cherry yields this year, yet face challenges in marketing their produce due to the absence of suitable markets and export support. The local farmers have voiced concerns over the Taliban's failure to facilitate fruit exports, leading to forced sales at reduced prices in domestic markets to avoid spoilage.

The early ripening of cherries, before other fruits towards the end of spring and beginning of summer, has encouraged many in the region to cultivate cherry trees. Despite satisfactory yields, the lack of access to external markets and poor transportation infrastructure, particularly in the Nerkh district, has resulted in less favourable sales conditions. Farmers highlight the necessity for cold storage facilities and better export opportunities to mitigate losses and improve profitability.

Furthermore, the reliance on Pakistan for exporting agricultural products poses additional challenges, with reported instances of Pakistan blocking Afghan agricultural exports or imposing high tariffs, significantly impacting the farmers' ability to profit from their labour. The cultivation of cherry trees, which can yield up to 35 kilograms of fruit per tree annually, is seen as a viable alternative to narcotics cultivation, provided that adequate support and infrastructure improvements are made available.


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