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"The current market price of Minqin honeydew melons is stable and high"

The new production season for Minqin honeydew melons from Gansu, China, began at the end of June. Favourable weather conditions this year have resulted in yields, quality, and taste that are on par with previous years.

"The market price of Minqin honeydew melons has remained generally stable since the start of the season, with minor fluctuations and consistently high prices. The initial purchase price was about ¥2.4-2.6/kg, dropping briefly to ¥1.4-1.6/kg due to regular market fluctuations. This low price, though slightly higher than in previous years, rebounded within about a week. Compared to the overall fruit market prices this year, this is very favourable, and growers are relatively satisfied," explained Mr. Zhou from Shaanxi Tangsen Technology Co., Ltd., who is purchasing honeydew melons in Minqin.

"In terms of sales, there are fewer traders purchasing compared to previous years. E-commerce sales have just begun, and overall sales remain slow, but prices are still stable. The reasons are twofold. Firstly, Minqin melons have the unique qualities of desert honeydew melons, are high-quality regional products, and ripen in batches, preventing a market glut. Secondly, due to local regulation of honeydew melon planting, there has been no large-scale expansion in recent years, helping to stabilize production and the market."

"The Minqin melon production season can extend to the end of September. Given the current situation, with no increase in output this year and the melons being sweet and tasty, significant market fluctuations are not expected in the future."

According to Mr. Zhou, in recent years, offline sales of Minqin honeydew melons in places like wholesale markets and supermarkets have not been ideal. However, online channels such as community group purchases and live broadcast supply chains have shown better sales performance.

The melons produced in Minqin and sold by Tangsen include Jinhongbao honeydew melon, Xizhou honeydew melon No. 25 and No. 27, and desert chestnut pumpkin. Sales channels include community group purchases, e-commerce platforms, and supermarkets.

For more information:
Zhou Junlin
Shaanxi Tangsen Technology Co., Ltd.
Tel: +86 155 9172 7777
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