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Romanian oversupply might affect broader European market

Watermelon glut in Dăbuleni impacts local growers

In Dăbuleni, a southern Romanian town renowned for its watermelon production, growers are facing market saturation due to an unusual ripening pattern that saw all crops mature simultaneously. This has resulted in a dramatic drop in prices, with watermelons previously selling for 3-4 Romanian Leu per kilogram now going for approximately €0.10-0.16. Despite the low prices, there is little demand, leading to significant wastage.

Local growers, accustomed to relying on the sale of these fruits for their livelihood, are experiencing severe financial distress. The situation is attributed to erratic weather conditions that prompted the synchronized ripening. With Dăbuleni's watermelons constituting 16% of Romania's total production, and Romania accounting for 22.8% of the EU's watermelon output, this glut could potentially affect the broader European market. The abundance of unsold watermelons is a stark contrast to the town's reputation for producing some of the country's finest watermelons, highlighting the challenges faced by the agricultural sector.

[ 1 Leu = €0.20 ]


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