While many growers are pulling out raspberry canes as traditional varieties have become uneconomical due high picking costs and low yields, the team at Angus Soft Fruits has been investing in new raspberry varieties, which have high yields, fast pick rate and big, sweet berries.
The Angus Soft Fruits team welcome growers, breeders and p5ropigators to the raspberry tunnels
On Wednesday 31st July Angus Soft Fruits opened its doors for the launch of two new raspberries under the AVA brand: AVA™ Monet and AVA™ Dali. So named because they are, "works of art!" These varieties, bred over years of trials and development, represent a significant breakthrough in raspberry cultivation, offering high quality, yield, and sustainability.
Chairman Lochy Porter welcomes guests
The main objective behind the development of AVA™ Monet and AVA™ Dali was to meet the diverse needs of growers, retailers, and consumers both domestically in the UK and internationally. With a focus on premium quality, these varieties have been crafted to deliver exceptional taste, appearance, and shelf life.
Jim Fairlie Scottish Minister for Agriculture and Communication
The event was attended by the Scottish Minister for Agriculture and Communication Jim Fairlie, who applauded the world class breeding program at Angus Soft Fruits. Saying that AVA Monet and Dali were a testament to the expertise in the sector.
John Gray, Managing Director of Angus Soft Fruits
John Gray, Managing Director of Angus Soft Fruits commented "AVA™ Monet and AVA™ Dali are fantastic varieties which gives us a win win; being ideally suited to our growing conditions in both our domestic and international farms and also delivering our customers great tasting, consistently sweet berries with great shelf life."
Lucy Wilkins, Breeding Programme Director
Lucy Wilkins, Breeding Programme Director, said, "These varieties offer a fantastic opportunity to our growers at a time when growing raspberries has been increasingly challenging. These varieties offer higher yields whilst also meeting very high-quality requirements giving them additional market opportunities with their fruit. This is also a benefit for our retailers who will be able to sell these varieties, giving consumers a treat that is; indeed, a work of art!"
AVA™ Dali
AVA™ Monet
Currently, Angus Soft Fruits are undergoing trials across Europe and Northern Africa and aim to achieve year-round production of AVA™ Monet and AVA™ Dali, ensuring continuity of supply. Additionally, promising results from organic trials hint at further potential.
Guests have the opportunity to see the raspberries in the tunnels and ask questions
The presentation at the tunnels was followed by lunch and a farm tour
For more information:
Jill Witheyman
Angus Soft Fruits
Mob.: +44 (0)7894 096123
Email: jill.witheyman@angussoftfruits.com