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Eng. Eliezer Domínguez, General Manager of Capitán Piña Panamá

Panamanian MD-2 pineapple: betting on new markets and diversification in times of low demand

Panamanian company Capitán Piña, specialized in pineapple production and export, led by General Manager Eliezer Domínguez, has faced a challenging year due to a decrease in orders from Europe, especially Spain, its main market. This decline has been attributed to the local fruit season in Europe, which causes the demand for tropical imports, such as pineapple, to fall. However, Domínguez remains optimistic. "An increase in the number of orders is expected from September onwards, when the European season starts slowing down."

The company's focus is on the MD-2 variety, one of the most in demand internationally, known for its sweet taste and high vitamin C content. Despite the challenges caused by the extreme drought, which took a toll on the production and led to a reduction of fruit sizes in 2023, the company has managed to maintain the quality of its fruit. Domínguez says that, to mitigate this problem, the company has opted to switch from air to maritime shipments, which has allowed them to make better use of the available calibres and remain competitive in the international market.

In terms of volumes, the company achieved good figures in 2023, and although 2024 has been a weaker year, volumes are expected to stabilize or even exceed last year's by the end of 2024. Currently, maritime export prices for Panamanian pineapple amount to around $9 per box (for sizes 5-8). This figure reflects the market stability, despite the challenges.

Europe remains Capitán Piña's main market, with Spain as its biggest buyer. However, Dominguez says that negotiations are in place to expand into Italy, Canada and regions such as Lebanon, Dubai and the United Arab Emirates. This is strategic geographical diversification aimed at mitigating market fluctuations. "We are now involved in negotiations with new clients that should allow us to grow in terms of acreage so that we can supply these markets," he says.

Panama has uninterrupted pineapple production, which ensures a constant supply throughout the year; however, Capitán Piña adjusts its production during the low seasons to adapt to demand and avoid overproduction. In terms of certifications, the company complies with GlobalG.A.P. standards, which guarantees that its production is sustainable and meets international requirements.

Capitan Piña's expansion plans include getting into the export of pineapple products, such as juices and processed fruit, which will require additional investments.

Regarding competition, Panamanian pineapples face significant challenges in the face of mass production in Costa Rica, which dominates the global market with higher volumes and more competitive costs. Other countries, such as Côte d'Ivoire, are also emerging as competitors in Europe, offering alternatives that can challenge the dominance of Latin American pineapples.

However, Panamanian pineapples stand out in specific niches, as their greater sweetness and care in the production process make them attractive for demanding consumers. Panama has specialized in a more personalized and high quality product, achieving higher prices and becoming a preferred option in select markets.

For more information:
Eliezer Domínguez
Capitán Piña Panama S.A.
Tel.: (+507) 6691-4877
[email protected]

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