When it comes to the lime market, it is difficult to make forecasts: until last week, purchase prices at origin were very high. Now they are falling, from 12-15 euro to 10-11 euro per 4.5 kg package, depending on the grades, against a 'normal' Italian demand.
"These prices could rise from late September, but trade will not be easy in any case, as lower volumes are expected from Brazil, where the domestic market is very strong," reported Giorgio Donnarumma, sales manager of the Milan-based Nuovafrutta.
Left: Brazil limes. Right: Spanish limes
"There is little or no Mexican product. Only a few volumes arrive from Colombia by air. Limited quantities of Spanish limes are also entering our markets, at purchase prices of 10-12 euro per 4 kg package, depending on the grades. In addition, we will soon start with the Italian campaign from Puglia and Sicily. In general, however, consumption in Italy has not been high. Considering the summer heat, I hoped that the market would be more receptive. The situation is different in northern Europe, where there is a different perception of the trade," Donnarumma continues. "In our country, we suffer from the domestic economic situation."
Colombian limes, arriving by air
The Spanish, Egyptian and Israeli seasons are in full swing. The Italian campaign has also started, but with volumes still currently very limited. "The market for produce arriving by sea has therefore flattened out, as has demand, and different varieties and sizes are available. Purchase prices at origin were quite high until last month, and now they have practically halved. The forecast for the period ahead is not positive.
Clockwise: mangoes Bon Bon Mini (Spain), Palmer (Brazil), Irwin (Spain) and Egyptian mangoes
Regarding mangoes arriving by air, Donnarumma speaks of the end of the campaign for Mexico. "What little product is available is selling at a high price, above 45 euros per 5.5 kg crate."
According to the wholesaler, everyone is now looking to Israel, with different varieties. "We only market the Kent variety, which that are able to obtain at purchase price of 34-35 euro per 5.5-6 kg crate."
Clockwise: Tommy mangoes (Brazil), Kent mangoes shipped by air (Mexico), Kent mangoes shipped by air (Israel) and Osteen mangoes (Spain)
Avocados remain extremely expensive to buy in Italy. "After the end of the South African Pinkerton campaign, demand has flattened out a bit after being very strong up until two to three weeks ago. At the moment, Hass avocados are available from Peru, Kenya and Colombia, with high purchase prices - between EUR 10 and 15 depending on origin, size and quality."
Left: Peruvian Hass avocados. Right: Hass avocados from Kenya
There is little greenskin product and the purchase prices are high here too as they exceed 12 euros," reports Donnarumma, according to whom there is great expectation, from the end of September onwards, for the Israeli and Spanish campaigns.
Fuerte avocados from South Africa
Yuca or cassava
Like all tubers, cassava suffers during the summer. "Consumption drops dramatically in Italy during the hottest months, so now the market seems very quiet. We will have to wait until October for an improvement in sales, when summer products will start to no longer be available and there will be a switch to autumn-winter products."
Left: Tropifoods cassava. Right: Ase' Tropical cassava
Egyptian orange sweet potatoes
"Now is the time for this product. Compared to the quality standards of the USA, Honduras or Israel, Egyptian orange sweet potatoes are a little behind. They are lacking in size uniformity, for example, but are very competitive in price," concludes Donnarumma. "There is no peak in demand at the moment, but orange sweet potatoes are a product whose consumption is spreading in Italy. The new domestic campaign should start in September."
Photos provided by Giorgio Donnarumma
For more information:
Via Cesare Lombroso 54
20137 Milan - Italy