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Clarifruit exclusive Webinar, 16:00 GMT, September 25

Clarifying strawberry quality with AI

Strawberries continue to be a standout in the fresh produce segment, showing robust year-on-year growth. But they're also among the most sensitive and perishable fruits, susceptible to losses and quality fluctuations that can harm producers and retailers alike. This calls for meticulous care throughout the supply chain, and thorough quality assessments before, during and after distribution.

To unpack these challenges and provide solutions, Clarifruit is hosting a webinar on September 25th titled: Maximize Strawberry Quality: Leverage Real-Time Data for Optimal Results. The webinar will be led by Clarifruit experts, who will showcase how AI can transform produce quality control by standardizing and digitalizing the entire process at any point of the fresh produce supply chain.

What to expect
The webinar will guide participants through a detailed Clarifruit demo, focusing on its capabilities and the challenges of strawberry production. These include an irregular shape, as well as variations in the ways that different cultivars mature. Together, they make strawberries a tricky fruit to evaluate in an accurate and scalable way.

Clarifruit uses advanced computer vision technology to assess key quality attributes like size, color, and ripeness.. It replaces the subjectivity of manual inspections with consistent, reliable assessments that can be repeated at high volume. This helps produce professionals deliver the right level of quality to consumers, reduce waste, and boost overall profitability.

Attendees will also see Clarifruit's dashboard. This straightforward interface makes it easy to capture quality data, integrating it into a comprehensive overview updated in real time. Users can then make informed decisions about product sorting, packaging, and shipment, and identify problems before they reach the consumer.

A must-attend event for growers, shippers and packers, marketing companies and retailers
Under discussion is the technology behind Clarifruit's solution, addressing topics such as:

● Computer vision removing subjectivity from the inspection process

● Reduce inspection time by 40%

● Real-time data providing invaluable insights

● Integration of this data into existing organizational workflows

● Expected productivity improvement for QC processes

Roman Mirochnik, Head of AI and Computer Vision at Clarifruit, "Our solution gives customers three things they wouldn't have otherwise: first is objectivity. Second is speed - more inspections, less time. Third is ease of use. We have packaged advanced computer vision in a way that anyone can use by simply taking a picture. It's this combination that's helping organizations to build more profitable and sustainable quality processes."

Webinar Highlights:
Date: September 25, 2024
Time: 16:00 GMT | 18:00 CET
Topic: Maximize Strawberry Quality: Leverage Real-Time Data for Optimal Results

Click here to secure your spot to learn how Clarifruit's AI-powered platform can help you enhance quality control, reduce waste, and optimize profitability across the supply chain! Their solution is transforming quality control processes across various sectors, this webinar offer a closer look at how it applies to strawberries.

For more information:
Talia Zimmerman
Email: [email protected]

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