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Fenacle and the Ecuadorian Banana Cluster sign cooperation agreement to strengthen social dialogue

A Cooperation Agreement aimed at strengthening social dialogue between workers and employers in Ecuador's banana sector has been signed.

The Ecuadorian Banana and Plantain Cluster, composed of the Association of Banana Exporters of Ecuador (AEBE), the Banana Marketing and Export Association (ACORBANEC) the Regional Corporation of Banana Growers of Ecuador (AGROBAN), the Chamber of Agriculture of the Second Zone, the Association of Plantain Exporters (ASOEXPLA) and the Commission of Small Producers' Associations, which includes: Fincas El Oro, Producción y Vida, Oro Verde, Asoproabacao, Tierra Fértil, San Miguel de Brasil, Asoguabo, and Asoprorey, along with the National Federation of Free Agro-Industrial, Peasant, and Indigenous Workers of Ecuador (Fenacle) signed the agreement.

This agreement marks another decisive step for the Ecuadorian banana sector towards sustainable development. Ángel Rivero, president of Fenacle, emphasized the importance of this agreement for workers in the banana industry. "This is a historic event for both the workers and employers in the banana sector. Through this instrument, the commitments and interests of producers' and exporters' representatives are materialized to maintain joint activities and continue guaranteeing labor rights in our country. This commitment shows that it is possible to work together towards the sustainability of working conditions on the country's farms," Rivero stated.

For his part, José Antonio Hidalgo, coordinator of the Ecuadorian Banana and Plantain Cluster, highlighted that the signing of this document is the result of an open and transparent dialogue process, in which the well-being of all members of the banana value chain has been prioritized. "This agreement is based on consolidating common viewpoints and the importance of maintaining a permanent dialogue between all (actors of the banana value chain). This act reaffirms the sector's commitment to working with serious and organized associations with proactive agendas for the well-being of workers," Hidalgo expressed.

The agreement establishes a series of commitments between both parties, highlighting the following key points:

  • Training Program: Joint development of a training program for banana and plantain sector workers, focused on presenting current regulatory frameworks and labour regulations, aimed at strengthening knowledge of their rights.
  • Cooperation in Channeling Complaints: Coordination to channel complaints to labour authorities about potential labour rights violations, including cases of employers failing to enrol workers in social security.
  • Development of Projects and Programs: Creation of events, projects, and programs aimed at developing parallel skills, such as the use of technological resources and the promotion of sports activities.
  • Freedom of Association: Safeguard the principle of freedom of association in accordance with the Constitution, the ILO agreements ratified by Ecuador, and the laws of the Republic of Ecuador.

This alliance marks the beginning of a new phase of cooperation in the banana sector, promoting strong and effective social dialogue that benefits all parties involved. With this agreement, the Ecuadorian Banana and Plantain Cluster and Fenacle reaffirm their commitment to a more inclusive, sustainable, and equitable banana sector.

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