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Enrico Bucchi - Alegra Italy: "Persimmon campaign now underway"

A revival of interest in the traditional Loto di Romagna persimmon

The Alegra Group's persimmon campaign is about to start. Enrico Bucchi, General Manager of Valfrutta Fresco and Sales Manager Italy for Alegra, outlined the possible scenarios.

Enrico Bucchi

"The persimmons marketed by the Alegra Group," began Bucchi, "are mainly grown in Emilia-Romagna. We are renowned specialists in the Romagnolo persimmon, but we have also developed collaborations in the south, particularly in Calabria, where, for example, in Castrovillari we have a beautiful 21-hectare plant for the production of the Rojo Brillante (bright red persimmon) under organic regulations. Then, in Campania, we have the vanilla persimmon, commercialised under the Valfrutta Fresco brand."

"We are now ready for the start of the harvest. If in 2023 we start the campaign between 7 and 9 October, this year we could bring it forward slightly. The final quality evaluations are being carried out to determine the exact start date. We are paying close attention to the key parameters to avoid a premature launch and to guarantee our partners the quality that distinguishes us. Starting on the right foot in terms of quality is the best way to launch a campaign that will satisfy the entire supply chain. This strategy starts with focusing on the most appropriate harvest period. Any speculative entry into the market with fruit that does not meet consumer expectations is bound to have a boomerang effect."

Commenting on the expected results, Bucchi says: "In our reference area, the situation is uneven. In the flat areas affected by the hailstorms, there are companies that have no product, while in the hilly areas the scenario is much more productive. The floods in mid-September have affected some of our members, to whom we would like to express our sympathy, and in areas where it has only rained heavily, this will help to boost production, but could lead to a significant drop. We are therefore on the alert and we should have a clearer picture of the situation in a few days' time. All in all, the volumes are interesting and will allow us to continue to plan and meet a demand that is eagerly awaiting the arrival of the autumn weather."

Exports also account for a significant proportion of the company's production: "In terms of quotas, the foreign market absorbs about 30 per cent of our total persimmon production, whereas until recently it was about 15 per cent. Exports have grown considerably in recent years, especially for Loto di Romagna, a soft fruit that is experiencing a real renaissance. We have renewed important collaborations with Switzerland, a market that has always appreciated this fruit, and then in France we have found chains that are willing to recognise the value of this reference and brands that are particularly interested in the soft persimmon, ripened with all the know-how that our Group has developed over the years. This is a path that fills us with satisfaction because it allows us to stand out. In the case of the firm persimmon, exports depend on the extent of Spain's presence and commercial pressure in northern Europe. A significant proportion of our production of Rojo Brillante persimmons, almost 60%, is exported."

At present, the Group's surface area is around 300 hectares, of which about 60% is Loti di Romagna and the rest Rojo Brillante. "Wherever possible, we try to market firm persimmons under the Valfrutta Fresco brand because, given the strong presence of Spanish products in the Italian market, we offer consumers a clear message about our fruit's identity and Italian origin."

"A few years ago, attention was focused on the Rojo Brillante, which has undoubted advantages in terms of handling, due to its thick skin, resistance to handling and attractive colour. It was expected to be a setback for the traditional persimmon, but today the situation is different. In fact, we are seeing a return of interest, even an important one, to the traditional persimmon."

"The campaign lasts eight weeks and usually ends on the first of December. As far as Loti di Romagna is concerned, we pack 95% of the volumes and, in terms of packaging, we maintain the line of the four-fruit tray in R-Pet, given the delicacy of the product, which is then the predominant choice for private labels: we manage the products of the chains and are a solid reference for distribution. The two-fruit tray, on the other hand, is historically managed under the Valfrutta Fresco brand."

"Rojo Brillante, on the other hand, has a lower packaging percentage because it can also be marketed in a single-layer tray. We are looking at some alternatives to the classic two-kilo tray, thinking about packaging that can optimise packaging costs and at the same time promote smaller sizes."

For more information:
Alegra Soc. Coop. Agricola
Via G. Galilei, 5
48018 Faenza (RA) - Italy
Tel.: +39 0546 624401
[email protected]

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