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Campaign launch - APEF

French endive production on the rise?

On Thursday October 3rd, the 2024/2025 French endive campaign was launched by the Association of French Endive Producers (APEF). The event provided an opportunity to take stock of the previous campaign and to discuss the priorities for the next.

APEF chairman Philippe Bréhon was delighted to be able to "bring together for the first time the main operators upstream in the sector: distributors, wholesalers, catering companies, retailers, as well as political, institutional and media supporters."

An increase in production (to be confirmed)
"With a 7% increase in the area sown in 2024 compared to the previous year, and favourable weather conditions for root growth, French endive producers are hoping to harvest 125,000 tons this year. This increase in production - which will have to be confirmed - will make up for the shortfall in roots carried over from the start of the season and will replenish the stock needed to ensure the 2025/2026 season is met."

The future season is full of uncertainties, given the withdrawal of solutions for the production of endive roots and the lack of hindsight to accompany the production towards new risk-free technical itineraries ("La filière endive n'a aucune visibilité sur sa capacité à produire après 2024" published in February in FreshPlaza). APEF will therefore have to clarify the initial lessons learned from the 46 trials carried out this year by all the players in the sector.

"Getting a fair price for endives"
The campaign launch was an opportunity for the association of producers to stress to its commercial partners the need to "value endive at its fair price so that producers can continue to invest, particularly in innovative techniques to ensure the long-term future of their farms and secure supplies for their clients." It was also an opportunity to point out that "endives are THE model for French food sovereignty. Our country is the leader, accounting for 60% of the world's production. Even though endive accounts for just 0.04% of France's UAA, the sector generates sales of €230 million [252.3 million USD] per year. France's 280 endive farms account for 5,000 jobs. Endive is the 3rd most popular fresh vegetable between October and April, and it is available all year round.

Boosting endive consumption
In order to "encourage consumers to enjoy endives in all their forms", APEF is organizing a communication campaign via social networks, as well as through the "Petits Plat en équilibre" ("Balanced dish") program, radio ads and with influencers. Initiatives in partnership with out-of-home caterers will also be carried out this year to win over new consumer profiles.

For more information:
Pierre Varlet (Directeur)
2, rue des Fleurs
62000 Arras
Phone: +33(0)3 21 07 89 89
[email protected]