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Dole Ireland:

New organic range in Ireland launched, with a focus on taste and sustainability

Dole Ireland introduces their Dole Go Organic! range of fresh fruits and vegetables.The range was officially launched at an event in The Grayson Hotel, Dublin City Centre hosted by Rosanna Davison where influencers from across Ireland were invited to enjoy a Dole Go fruit and vegetables-themed brunch menu and undertake a Dole Go smoothie-making master class.

The range's tagline, 'Taste first, Planet, always', emphasizes the proposition at the very heart of the concept that underpins it; that the inviting taste of organic fruits and vegetables is reason enough to Dole Go, but consumers who do, can also take comfort in the fact that the produce they have chosen has been grown in a way dedicated to minimizing the impact of production on our environment.

Some 30 lines of Dole Go fruits and vegetables are included in the range, sourced from a combination of Dole farms and trusted local and global organic growers. The range is being supported by a heavyweight in-store and social media campaign throughout the months of October and November.

Speaking of the launch of Dole Go, Vincent Dolan, VP of marketing & sustainability with Dole noted: "Organics should be for everyone, not the preserve of the few. In Dole, we're determined to move organics to the mainstream and with our Go Organic! range we're putting the consumer in pole position. We know for Irish consumers, taste is all important. We know too, however, that consumers are increasingly interested in how their food is produced. Dole Go Organic! delivers the best of both worlds- tasty, responsibly grown produce that empowers consumers to make an informed choice. It's organics without the compromise"

For more information:
Vincent Dolan
Tel: +353 1 887 2600

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