In a groundbreaking initiative on January 8, in Cho Lach district, Ben Tre, the Agricultural Trade Promotion Center, in collaboration with TikTok Shop and other partners, hosted a livestream event titled "Winter Sorrow on Container Truck" to market frozen durian products. This marked the debut of a 5-star OCOP-certified frozen durian to consumers, specifically targeting customers in Hanoi with promotional prices.
The event showcased a significant interest in frozen durian, evidenced by enthusiastic customer participation. One customer, Mr. Nguyen Van Duc from Hanoi, expressed his satisfaction with the quality and affordability of the frozen durian purchased through the livestream. TikTok Vietnam's government relations officer revealed plans for an ambitious sales target of 1 million frozen durians by 2025 through livestreaming, highlighting the potential of this digital marketing strategy.
Ms. Ngo Tuong Vy of Chanh Thu Fruit Import-Export Company Limited discussed the advantages of frozen durian, including extended preservation for up to two years without significant loss of quality or flavor. This preservation capability presents a stark contrast to the shelf-life of fresh durian, which spans only 7-10 days.
The initiative is part of a pilot phase, considering the logistical challenges associated with frozen goods. However, it signals a promising direction for domestic frozen durian products. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development sees this as an opportunity to explore new export solutions, particularly targeting the Chinese market through livestreaming channels on social media platforms.
With Vietnam's frozen durian expected to gain official export clearance to China in 2024, logistics and export companies are preparing by establishing cold storage facilities and fostering connections within China. This preparation underscores the potential for livestreaming to revolutionize the export of agricultural products to China.
Viettel Post, as a logistic partner, acknowledged the challenges of preserving and transporting frozen durian, currently limiting deliveries to Hanoi. However, plans are underway to expand cold storage capabilities to enhance the distribution of frozen goods, including durian, aligning with the broader goal of leveraging live streaming for agricultural exports.
Source: Vietnam.VN