In a notable shift within Cambodia, a prominent rice-producing nation, Prourn Sav, a farmer from Battambang, has opted to cultivate pineapples over paddy. Despite a slight decrease in pineapple prices, Sav finds the crop more lucrative than rice, especially in Moung Russei District, located 45 kilometers southeast of Battambang City. The district's pineapples, known for their sweet taste, attract buyers from across the region.
As per the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), Cambodia was the 46th largest pineapple producer globally last year, with production anticipated to exceed 28,000 tonnes by 2026. The shift towards pineapple cultivation is evident in Moung Russei's Mangkol commune, where approximately 500 households have transitioned from rice to pineapples. District Governor Tep Han highlighted that pineapples now span over 705 hectares, with farmers planting around 60,000 seedlings per hectare, yielding about 50,000 fruits per hectare annually.
These pineapples find markets as far as Siem Reap and Phnom Penh, demonstrating their profitability and higher yield compared to rice. Pha Sreynea from Sweet Royal Pineapple noted the burgeoning interest in pineapple cultivation, driven by its profitability and resilience as a crop. Despite current market prices at 500 riels ($0.12) per fruit, there is optimism for price recovery. IndexBox anticipates continued growth in the sector, reflecting a significant uptrend in pineapple consumption within the Cambodian market over the past decade.
Source: Khmer Times