Created by the French Interprofessional Kiwi Agency (BIK) to promote and celebrate France's most exotic fruit, KIWIK, the Kiwi Week, will be back for a 3rd edition from January 13th to 19th, 2025. It is an annual highlight where the 1,150 producers across France take pride in place and are delighted to share their expertise and knowledge of the fruit with consumers.
"In two editions, KIWIK has attracted more than 29 million reactions on our social networks (Instagram and Facebook), more than 1,300 additional subscribers, two competitions organized to win Le Kiwi des Producteurs Français goodies, interaction with the community, and a dozen recipes shared! KIWIK is also a great opportunity to collaborate with influencers: @alizondefrance (2 videos), @envie.apero.leblog (2 videos), @hakuna matata_home (1 video), with over 372,800 accounts reached!"
"The third edition of KIWIK will be all about testimonials. We have decided to give the floor to those who speak best about French Kiwis: our ambassadors. They will be happy to answer our questions about cooking, sports, humor, dietetics, or working in the orchards! There will be hidden challenges in some of their videos, so be ready to take them on! Also on the program this year is a competition to win a super smoothie machine and more Le Kiwi des Producteurs Français goodies," according to the BIK press release.
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Photo: BIK