In Pune's Market Yard Fruit Market, the inaugural batch of mangoes for the season has been received, originating from the Konkan region. A notable transaction was the sale of the first box of Kesar mangoes, which was auctioned for INR 31,000 ($380), containing five dozen mangoes sourced from Devgad farmer Saad Mulla and introduced to the market by Bapu Bhosale. The auction witnessed participation from key figures including Baba Misal and several traders, with Raosaheb Kunjir securing the first box.
This event signals the commencement of the mango season in Pune, setting expectations for a productive yield. The city's residents have a preference for Konkan mangoes, especially the Alphonso variety. To address the issue of counterfeit Alphonso mangoes, the Pune Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) has initiated inspections and actions against fraudulent activities. Recent efforts have led to the confiscation of fake Alphonso mangoes being sold as genuine from the Konkan region, underscoring the APMC's commitment to ensuring authenticity for consumers.
Source: Free Press Journal