As deep winter weather has taken hold in Romania, consumer demand has increased for more imported fruit and vegetables. Andrei Boitoș from Bostanaria Cooperativa Agricola, a Romanian agriculture cooperative says, "The colder weather influences fruit consumption in Romania. In the winter, people rely on preserved or seasonal fruits and additionally, on imported citrus fruits."
Bostonaria is focused on cultivating large crops of various watermelons, pumpkins, as well corn in Romania. Boitos says they also aim to reach the European market with their produce. Looking to next week's Fruit Logistica in Berlin she says "Marketing dynamics and buying patterns are influenced by consumers preferences, seasonal trends, and product availability, with a growing shift toward sustainable and locally sourced options. We aim to bring our high-quality products to the European markets. We export 500 tons to Ukraine, 300 tons to Poland, and 100 tons to Holland for now."
Bostanaria Cooperativa Agricola does not import fruit directly. They sell only what they produce. The group of which they are a part handles the import of other types of fruit into Romania. The cooperative was founded in 2010 with four participants with over 20 years of experience in growing watermelons and other products. In 2021, Microfruits SRL joined as the fifth participant. They have 230 hectares of arable land in the vicinity of Lake Fundata in Ialomița County, situated about 110 km outside Romania's capital city of Bucharest.
He says Romania has different fruit preferences that are popular depending on the season. "In Romania, the most popular fruit in the summer is watermelon, followed by berries. In autumn, the favourite fruits are grapes, apples, pears, and plums."
Visit Boitos and his colleagues from Bostanaria Cooperativa Agricola in Berlin, Hall 6.2 D91.
For more information:
Andrei Boitos
Bostănăria Cooperativă Agricolă
Tel.: +40 0722156205