A recent Horizons Research poll identified rising food prices as one of the most pressing concerns for New Zealanders. Fresh vegetables, a major component of household grocery bills, are at the center of this issue. Any disruption to production threatens both affordability and availability.
New Zealand's vegetable growers are increasingly concerned about regulatory constraints affecting their ability to supply the domestic market. With over 80% of vegetables consumed locally, maintaining consistent production is essential, especially as importing fresh produce at current prices is not feasible.
The country's commercial vegetable production (CVP) is uniquely dependent on specific regions due to climate, soil, and topography. Current regulations are putting this limited production capacity at risk. Horticulture New Zealand has called on the Government to make vegetable growing a permitted activity under the Resource Management Act (RMA) or a National Environmental Standard (NES). This was a National Party election promise, and NZ First's Shane Jones has also voiced support.
The issue is now before the Cabinet as part of RMA reforms, presenting a critical opportunity to ensure ongoing vegetable supply and affordability.
The challenge stems from how councils interpret and apply the National Policy Statement for Freshwater (NPS-FM). These interpretations could unintentionally restrict vegetable production, leading to sharp price increases. A 2023 report commissioned by Horticulture New Zealand from the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research (NZIER) found that a 20% production restriction could have pushed broccoli prices up to $27 per kilo, or around $9 per head.
These findings highlight that the current NPS-FM framework does not support CVP needs. It fails to guide councils in balancing essential food production with environmental protections. To address this, vegetable production must be clearly prioritized as a public good. The NPS-FM can remain, but it must offer clearer direction on supporting human health priorities, including food supply.
Legislation should allow both existing and new vegetable growing as a permitted activity under freshwater farm plans, eliminating the need for consent. Where environmental limits are difficult to meet, councils should implement action plans that allow improvements over time rather than impose blanket restrictions.
The sector already has robust systems in place. The Good Agricultural Practice Environment Management System Add-on (GAP EMS) audits and certifies growers under the NZGAP scheme. Recent RMA reform proposals recognize such industry assurance systems, positioning growers well to operate as a permitted activity with demonstrated environmental management.
Vegetable growers need certainty to plan ahead. Current uncertainty leaves them questioning whether they will be able to continue growing crops in the future. The Government now has a chance to act and secure the future of fresh, affordable vegetables — essential to the health and wellbeing of all New Zealanders.
© Horticulture New ZealandFor more information:Horticulture New Zealand
Tel: +64 (0) 4 472 3795
Email: info@hortnz.co.nz