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Argentina: The discovery of HLB in Misiones alerts citrus provinces

SENASA reported that despite some positive cases detected in Misiones, the country's health status is not modified.

In mid-August, Corrientes attended the meeting of the Coordinación Interinstitucional (UCI), created in the National Programme for the Prevention of HLB. The meeting was held in Posadas, Misiones, during which the different
actions to prevent the spread of the disease in the country were discussed; considering that three cases had been already confirmed in the north of Misiones, on the border with Brazil.

During the meeting, the National Health Service and Food Quality (SENASA), reported the progress of the work that has been done in the country and the contingency plan that is being carried out in Andresito, area where the three infected plants were detected.

Also the working methodology of monitoring and sampling, and the results obtained to date in all the country were presented.

The health agency noted that having detected some positive cases did not change the country's health status. While isolated outbreaks have been found of the disease, they do not have a high epidemic risk because those cases were found
in non commercial areas and the limited commercial production in the area is mainly for self-consumption.

However, it was agreed to maintain surveillance and carry out a new monitoring between the 3rd and 7th of September, which will be done together with other regions and provincial governments and with the participation of two experts from the Ministry of Production of Corrientes.


On the other hand, SENASA reported that the resolution SENASA 930/09 requires the production from nursery plants to be in full force and the orders and findings to be carried out. Yet, the private sector (FECIER-CECNEA) claims that not all producers are implementing the resolution and therefore the eradication of nurseries
that are infringing the resolution is not clear. They also indicated that the training conducted by INTA is not enough.
As for the eradication of nurseries, SENASA reported the number of infringement proceedings and ongoing files in legal processes that are being carried out, as well as the eradications that had been implemented. It is note worthy that during all the
meeting and after repeated claims of some of the private sector representatives, SENASA confirmed the decision to enforce regulations due to high health risk.
Moreover, and due to different interpretations that generated an specific extension measure to market plants from field nurseries, a communication to clarify everything will be done, because it is a unique extension to nurseries from Entre Rios which produce trefoil. It was further reported that during the month, the first meeting of the laboratory staff of all institutions participating in the program will be held, coordinated by Bishop Colombres (Tucumán).


In view of the long weekend, on the 5th October, the Vegetable Production Department of the Ministry of Production of Corrientes will face a campaign to inform the routes connecting the province of Misiones, to warn of the risk of
introduction plant species from the area, returning to Corrientes.
All the technical equipment of this dependence will be located on the provincial boundarieson of the routes, delivering leaflets and informing the public about the risks of bringing plants from that region and the impact it would have on the citrus of Corrientes, the admission of the illness.

About the Unidad de Coordinación Interinstitucional (UCI)

The UCI is composed of the provinces with citrus production through its agencies and producer institutions, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Nation, INTA and INASE and SENASA.
According to a press release from the Ministry of Production of Corrientes, the Director of Plant Production Mariela Pletsch, the deputy director of Plant Protection, Susan Stein, Deputy Director of Plant Production, Juan Samaniego and technicians Mabel Stern and Paola Martinez visited the province.
Source: NeaRural
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