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Peruvian scientists fighting papaya pest

The Papaya Ringspot Virus (PRSV) continues to attack Ucayali's papaya plantations, in central Peru. It is currently present in 300 of the 1,000 hectares of the region.

This was reported by the promoter of the Productive Chain for sugar and papaya of Uyacali's Regional Sectorial Directorate for Agriculture, Paolo Roberto Gálvez Castillo, who explained that, in order to reverse the situation, the National Agricultural Health Service (Senasa) and the National Institute for Agricultural Innovation (INIA) have prepared a test plantation using seeds of the hybrid 'Known-you N°1', produced in Taiwan. The variety is being tested to ascertain if it can withstand the PRSV.

"The goal is for the imported genetic material to adapt to our region," he affirmed.

In this sense, he pointed out that the papaya varieties most commonly grown in the region are: Ucayalina (which is a cross between the Amarela and the Native), of which there are 500 hectares; Creole and Known-you N°1, which is already being cultivated close to the Iparia River.

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