Frosts during winter last year made forreduced lemon production in Argentina this year. Drought conditions throughoutthe growing season caused further problems for a reduced 2013-2014 crop.
According to a USDA Foreign AgriculturalService report, Argentina's 2013-2014 lemon production is estimated to reach750,000 metric tons. That production is 45 percent less than last year'sproduction, and the reason for the smaller crop is frost experienced duringwinter of 2013. Drought conditions also contributed to a smaller crop, whilerains during April and May of this year delayed harvesting. Lower productioncombined with a late start to the season resulted in an expected drop inexports to 180,000 metric tons.Orange production, on the other hand,recovered from last year's frosts and is expected to increase to 700,000 metrictons. Tangerine production, likewise is expected to reach 300,000 metric tons.