During the last international fair, Fruit Attraction 2014 in Madrid, one of the exhibitors was Polish company Sorter, the only company in Poland and Middle-East Europe producing complete technological lines for sorting, packing and palletizing fruits and vegetables. Sorter’s policy is to provide complete customer service and technological solutions dedicated to orchards and farms. During the fair, Sorter presented their newest product – self-propelled orchard platform PS-5 and the interest in it has been enormous.
Self-propelled orchard platform PS-5 is dedicated to orchardists in order to increase comfort, as well as productivity of their work. It is designed to perform any works that requires height, in an orchard, such as fruit collection, branch cutting, thinning fruit buds, working with netting against hail, etc. The machine is adjusted to work in difficult conditions requiring movement on rough terrains: deep wheel trucks, muddy, wet soil.
Sorter also designed the trailer for the orchard platform PS-5. The upper level of the trailer is used for the storage of empty bins. On the lower level full bins are received from the back hydraulical elevator and then they are transported out of the trailer. The control system of the trailer is located on the orchard platform.
Gdynska Str 32, Poland
e-mail: info@sorter.pl
tel. +48 48 377 99 99 ext. 235