Steam heat natural solution to greening disease
Created by Scoring Ag, the company responsible for the Tree Steamer and other methods of mobile steam heat, the Tree Steamer Batch is a logical upgrade from its predecessor. The Tree Steamer Batch uses methods prevalent in the Tree Steamer such as a steam generator but evolves the techniques for easier usage and implementation.
The Batch carries all the water, and fuel needed for function, and has safety features such as thermal controls and a camera. Different treatment options are available, while the original Tree Steamer can heat one to three trees a minute, the Batch allows for four trees to be steamed at once. 3-4 sizes of octagon treatment containers can also be used for different sizes and locations of target trees.
By using steam the above portion of the tree is heated including leaves, fruit, trunk and branches. The steam is at a temperature high enough to suppress greening disease along with pests like citrus cankers, black spot and more, but not so high that the tree suffers damage. The Tree Steamer Batch works best with reset groves growing various sizes of trees as the heat stops the greening process and encourages healthy development.
For more information:
Brunhilde Merker
Site-Specific Recordkeeping®
Point-to-Point Traceback™
Tel: +1 947-497-3400