Serving companies and supermarkets
He sees a careful growth: "We've approached a lot of local companies with cut fruit recently. We've already agreed with various organisations to supply weekly or more often than that. People like getting fruit this way. It's easier to eat at the computer. You don't have to do anything to it." Bram indicates that they are mainly focussing on companies between Rotterdam and Antwerp. "We are also focussing on supermarkets and hope to find buyers there too over the next few months."
A fruit machine
A lot of fruit combinations are possible in the portion packaging. "We can make a mix, but also fill a cup with one or two types of fruit. It varies by client." The fruit that Van Kempen supplies, is mainly regional. "We try to get as much as we can locally, but also offer some diversity in the supply. You can't get all types of fruit locally. The fruit cups are given a minimum shelf life of four days. They are available from the chilled fruit machine at the company."
For more information:
Van Kempen Fruitverwerking
Bram Van Kempen
Kruytenburgseweg 1
4693 RC Poortvliet
T: 0031 (0) 166-617314
F: 0031 (0) 166-617315
[email protected]