German presence at AgroExpoSiberia/ AgroSib 2015
A total of 109 companies from Russia, Germany, Bulgaria, Latvia, Finland, Spain and Turkey presented components, equipment for livestock farming and veterinary medicine, crop production and plant protection as well as technologies for the processing of agricultural products. Again, 18 German companies presented their products under the brand of "Made in Germany".
Co-located with AgroExpoSiberia/ AgroSib 2015 the Harvest Days, organized by the Ministry of Agriculture of the region of Novosibirsk and InterFood Siberia/ Ipack Siberia, the fair for food industry and packaging, were held. Approximately 7,000 visitors visited these three fairs.
Mr. Vassiliy Pronkin, Minister of Agriculture for the region of Novosibirsk, and Mr. Andrey Shimkiv, Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the region of Novosibirsk, officially opened the events. Mr. Nikolay Rogozhkin, Representative to the President of the administrative district of Siberia, visited the exhibition.
The events were supported by an extensive conference programme in the topics of milk production, technical support of the agricultural sector and potato cultivation.
The next AgroSiberia/ AgroSib will take place from November 9 till 11 2016. German exhibitors will again have the possibility to join the Official German Pavillion.
For more information:
IFWexpo Heidelberg GmbH
Tel: +49 (0)6221-13 57 20