"Given these supply problems, and with Spain being one of the countries where seeded white grapes are still popular, we got in touch with Chilean producers and asked them for a shipment of a native Chilean variety called Calmeria," she explains.

The production of this grape variety is already very limited, as Chile is converting all its plantations to seedless varieties. "They have shipped everything they had to Europe; one half to Italy and the other half to Spain, and we are the only ones that still have it for the domestic market," she affirms.

According to Miriam Cutillas, "it is a really good variety, resistant to long journeys, with large sizes and a good flavour, similar to our Ideal or Italian grapes; that is why it is really appreciated in traditional markets, such as France, Italy or Spain. It is the first time it has reached our country and we believe consumers will love it."
More information:
Miriam Cutillas (Head of Marketing)

Ctra. Monforte-Agost km. 6,9
Partida de las Norias n.ยบ 188
T: +34 965 620 125
M: +34 659670964
[email protected]