More challenges ahead for South African citrus exporters?
The European Commission’s Health and Veterinary Audits and Analysis (HVAA), (formerly known as the European Union Food and Veterinary Office (FVO)) has conducted two audits on South African compliance with the EU measures, in 2015 and 2016 respectively, since the implementation of the new measures. In both audits, concerns were raised over the NPPOZA’s capacity to fully comply with the EU measures due to limited human resources. Thus sustaining these activities and keeping the EU citrus market open is not feasible without adequate resources.
Delegate responsibility
With their current limited financial resources, DAFF decided to delegate the responsibility for phytosanitary certification activities (orchard inspections, pack house inspection and the issuance of phytosanitary certificates) to the Perishable Products Export Control Board (PPECB) for the 2017 export season. This is seen as a practicable service-delivery option, thus preventing the risk of losing the EU citrus market and thereby rendering the citrus industry uncompetitive.
In response the Citrus Grower Association (CGA) raised concerns regarding losing the expertise that DAFF have built up over the years; which has significantly mitigated CBS risks to the EU.
"There needs to be a Service Level Agreement between CGA and PPECB ensuring that the level of service is acceptable.
Higher cost
DAFF have advised the industry that costs will be R685 per orchard and that they will no longer be charging for EU Phytosanitary Certificates (in 2016 this charge was R189 per Phyto Certificate).
According to the CGA the cost is too high, and way above 2016 levels. "This is a serious concern and will be challenged. The cost should be reflected as R/Ha – not rand per orchard. Orchards differ significantly in size. For fairness and transparency an R/Ha figure is deemed more appropriate."
Most growers have on-farm personnel that carry out extensive CBS scouting; and are rewarded for identifying orchards with CBS. There must be a system that recognizes this activity – thereby reducing the cost. Growers should be given an opportunity to take responsibility.
The CGA also has concerns regarding the experience and abilities of PPECB inspectors. "There must be adequate training and shadowing and also an interim period during which any grower challenges are considered before orchard removal.