Maximizing the Minions
This year’s show also gives Dayka and Hackett a chance to show off a few of its new initiatives. This includes the company’s new packaging of “MINION MANDARINS, which it worked together with Universal to develop the label. In addition, visitors to the show can also expect the company to show off a variety of produce pack styles in its grape category as well as other commodity packaging it currently works with.
The show is also an opportunity to spot industry trends and Dayka and Hackett for one sees produce consumption developing in a few specific ways. With new varieties becoming the primary focus of supermarkets and large chain retailers, the company sees consumption becoming increasingly more demanding on flavor, texture and taste and no longer is it the case that supermarkets and consumers have to “accept” whatever is available. More than ever, consumption will become based on quality rather than simply availability.
For more information:
Dayka & Hackett Sales
Tel: +1-559-643-8089