According to Vice President N. Siva Shankaran, “FlexfreshTM has performed across the entire gamut of fresh fruits, vegetables, and flowers categories and has provided optimal shelf-life making it possible for the growers to extensively use sea-freight to reduce carbon footprint and maximize their returns.
Tests were carried out with a clear protocol of comparing the shelf-life of pomegranates in refrigerated conditions. Four samples were put to test, respectively, control, wax pre-treatment, packaging in liner bags and, lastly, wax pre-treatment with packaging in liner bags.
The fruits packaged in liner bags, either pre-treated or non-treated with wax, were found to be acceptable up to the 90th day of storage with low PLW of 4.30 and 4.36% respectively. The wax treatment improved storability of fruits by 15 days over control fruits. The fruits treated with wax and packaged in liner bags improved storability significantly by 60 days over the control.
FlexfreshTM is a special patented polymeric film manufactured and the first biodegradable (by composting) film that maintains oxygen and water barrier for packaging fresh produce. It maintains the humidity inside the bag at 98% and keeps the product absolutely dry without allowing condensation of the humidity. This results in very low weight loss of the produce as it continues to breathe in hydrated oxygen available inside the bag. In several experiments on various products, it has been observed that the ratio of oxygen and carbon dioxide has always been maintained at equilibrium.
Chairman and Managing Director Ashok Chaturvedi said, “FlexfreshTM is a high performance flexible packaging solution for fresh produce which as a category is highly perishable. This packaging solution is getting increasingly popular among the fresh produce growers and exporters across continents. The recent accreditation by (ICAR-NRCP) further testifies the efficacy of FlexfreshTM, brightening its prospects to be adopted more and more for deriving optimized shelf-life for fresh produce.”
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Uflex Limited (India)
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