Del Bosque Mushrooms has only been selling the produce since November last year, and owner Enrique Perez says there has been some very positive feedback from those who have tried the different varieties for the first time.
Mr Perez is a Mexican agronomist and the company grows the mushroom spores in a basic laboratory which was set up in 20-foot shipping container, with another two growing containers. Mr Perez says demand was the reason behind starting the mushroom production.
"I have a friend who is a chef and he struggled to find mushrooms in Gisborne, and I guess they were quite expensive and no-one was doing them," he said. "So, I saw a gap and went for it. We have one growing room in a 20-foot container, and we have recently got another in a 40-foot. They are insulated shipping containers, or ex-refrigerated, and we fit them with air conditioners, lights, timers, humidity devices and fans - just to create the right conditions."
While Mr Perez has strains to grow up to 10 more varieties in the future, Del Bosque is currently only producing two - pink and white oyster mushrooms.
"We are just quite limited to what we can grow in New Zealand," Mr Perez said. "Because of biosecurity, there is only 10-15 different species that are allowed in the country, so we are only growing what is in the country, and what we can get our hands on. I have 10 strains in the fridge, so that is what we can look at growing."
He adds the pink and white oyster mushrooms have similar flavour, but textural differences.
While Del Bosque is the only mushroom grower in the area, there are other smaller growers in other parts of New Zealand, with only one or two major growers supplying the supermarkets.
Over the past few months, company has produced between 20-30 kilograms per week, and mainly supplies the farmers markets and restaurants - but Mr Perez says he is not aware of any other company growing the pink variety commercially.
Enrique Perez
Del Bosque Mushrooms
+64 27 201 1893
[email protected]