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“We were impressed by the Greek apples, so we made them available in India”

Indian importers are always looking for an opportunity to import the best fruits for their market, but due to regulations some opportunities can never be explored. Luckily, every now and then a market opens for a certain product, like was the case for apples from Greece. Not too long ago these apples were unable to make their way to India, but today Aeden Fruits is able to supply them to the Indian market.

The thought of importing Greek apples to India didn’t just come to Mr. Kamaruddeen, Managing Director for Aeden Fruits, out of nowhere. It was actually a news-article that seduced him to explore the market: “The first thought of importing apples from Greece came from an article which I came across on the FreshPlaza website. It told me that Indian markets would be open for Greek apples. Now we already do regular imports from European countries, so the opening of the Indian market for these Greek apples made us think about paying the country a visit. We did, and I was really impressed by the quality of the apples they produce. The impression lasted, as I decided we should make these apples available in India. We’re truly honored to be the pioneer to introduce them to the Indian people.”

Although Aeden Fruits would have loved to start importing the apples by the bulk from day one, the process is going slowly: “Currently we have approval for only eight containers from the concerned departments. This will change once we get a permanent approval from the Authorities of India. When we receive that, we expect to import approximately 95 containers per season. The varieties we are currently importing are Red Delicious and Granny.”

It could soon be smooth sailing for the Indian importers, but when they started this project there were quite a few bumps in the road, according to Kamaruddeen: “It was practically a huge challenge for us to import the first containers of apples from Greece. We faced a lot of struggles in clearing the cargo on time. The government officials of India surveyed our container and the Cochin customs and all the concerned departments really need to be appreciated for the efficient and right work they render. All the processes in clearing the cargo were carefully examined and done. All the documentation was done very carefully too, so in the end we got to the point where we wanted to be.”

“Greece produce some of the best quality apples around the world, making them available in the Indian market is a positive thing in itself. We can all enjoy the best quality apples of Greece without having to visit the country ourselves. The priority for these Greek apples lie in the domestic market. And who knows, now that we have access to the Greek apples, other markets might become interesting for us as well. Countries like Italy and Poland are definitely on the list for the future.” Kamaruddeen concludes.

For more information:
Mr.Kamaruddeen C.H.
Aeden Fruits International
NKA Fruits

Tel: +91 9846123490
Email: [email protected]