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Interko and Idaho Steel go big:

Delivering four of the biggest drum dryers ever built

For a European potato processor, Idaho Steel and Kiremko have built four drum dryers with a total maximum capacity of 4.500 kg potato flakes per hour. Cooperating partners Kiremko (Netherlands) and Idaho Steel (US) have incorporated the newest technologies and knowhow from both partners in to the biggest drum dryers ever built.

These larger capacity drum dryers, had components built in Idaho Falls USA whilst the drums were assembled in the Netherlands. The drums allow higher quantities of potato mash to be dried and subsequently milled to flake or powder. They are part of a complete production line, consisting of sorting, peeling, cutting, blanching, cooling and cooking equipment of Idaho Steel and Kiremko.

At the same time these drums were being assembled in the Netherlands a further six were being built for various clients in the USA, ten of the biggest drums ever built, delivered in the first half of 2019.

Davis Christensen, director at Idaho Steel: “These projects demonstrate the level of interest in the latest design of the drum dryer and show that together, we can deliver state-of-the-art turn-key solutions for the potato industry all around the world. For over 23 years, our strong partnership has resulted in innovative products for our customers.”

Andy Gowing, director at Kiremko: “These drums are an excellent example of the strength of our partnership with Idaho Steel. Together we make unique projects like this. Our combined knowhow and engineering power guide us to leading technology.”

For more information:
Idaho Steel
Jon Christensen
Email: [email protected]

Andy Gowing
Email: [email protected]

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