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An overview of RK Products' first balance sheet and upcoming plans. The company opened in January 2019

Ambrosia apples served in a pocket-sized format

"From the growers to the industry world" is the slogan given to RK Products, a company founded in January 2019 with the aim of marketing fruit for the processing industry.

"We handle the product and supply the processing industries - explained director Alberto Invernizzi (photo below) - not only in Italy but also abroad as in the Netherlands, France, Belgium, Germany. The main reference is represented by apples, about 40% of the total, followed by peaches and nectarines, 30%, pears 15%, plums, kiwis, apricots. 60% of the fruit is produced with integrated pest management, 25% is organic, 10% with zero residue and 5% using biodynamic methods."

The attention on the quality of the fruit intended for processing is increasing. This is evidenced by the growing demand for organic processing, especially in the baby food sector.

"We are aiming towards enhancing certain varieties so that we can offer monovarietal products. At the moment, the Ambrosia apple b est fits this processing. The intention is to offer the consumer a product that is comparable to the fresh one in terms of aroma, taste and color."

"We will shortly launch Ambrosia's pulp, that will express the characteristics of the fresh fruit. It will be served in a pocket-sized format and will consist of 100% Ambrosia apple only, probably in packs of 100 grams. At the moment we are in the advanced testing stage and the results are very positive."

Even for processed fruit, standards are becoming more and more restrictive. The initial product must be of high quality in terms of ripeness and sugar concentration. The only parameter that may be postponed is the outward appearance. On the other hand, especially with regard to baby food, the supervision is non-stop, in particular for heavy metals and mycotoxins.

"RK Products, based in Saluzzo in the province of Cuneo, has the opportunity to market small frozen or fresh fruits for industrial processing from either standard, organic or biodynamic production - added Invernizzi. The main references are whole frozen strawberries, in chunks, without petiole, whole and/or chopped frozen raspberries, frozen blueberries, calibrated or freshly picked, and frozen blackberries, whole or in pieces".

In 2019 the company marketed about 29 thousand tons of fruit. " The goal for 2020 - concluded the director - is to exceed 30 thousand tons. We want to increase our visibility, also abroad, and we will be attending the main trade fairs in the sector, especially Macfrut and Fruit Attraction, after our presence at Fruit Logistica and Biofach".

RK Products srl 
Corso Italia, 56, 12037 Saluzzo (Cuneo) Italy
Phone.: +39 0175.218653
E-mail: [email protected]

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