Vacuum pre-cooling is one of the most advanced technologies in the agricultural industry. This technology is widely applied for such agricultural products as lettuce, mushrooms, asparagus, peppermint, onions, leaf herbs, and cut flowers. Pre-cooling helps to eliminate the heat that agricultural products gather while in the field. This effectively extends the shelf-life of these products and simultaneously raises their overall product quality.
The main advantage of vacuum pre-cooling is the impressive speed with which the machinery brings the temperature of agricultural products down to the required level.
Vacuum pre-cooling has altered traditional methods for harvesting, packaging, and distributing for many years. Agricultural products can be harvested even when the weather conditions are not great, for example when it rains or when the temperatures are extremely high. The vacuum pre-cooling machinery quickly brings the agricultural products to the desired temperature and moisture levels. This allows farmers to bring in leaf vegetables and cut flowers even when the weather is less than perfect. Another advantage of the vacuum pre-cooling machinery is the ability to process agricultural products with their packaging. The agricultural products are gathered in cardboard boxes and then placed inside the vacuum pre-cooling machine, which quickly lowers the temperature of large volumes of agricultural products. This method raises efficiency and reduces cost.
If you are looking for a method to quickly and effectively pre-cool fresh agricultural produce in a way that improves product quality and extends the shelf-life of your agricultural products, or if you are looking to upgrade your current pre-cooling equipment, then vacuum pre-cooling machinery is an excellent choice.
For more information:
Arvin Lau
Vegfor Cooling Technology Limited
E-mail: [email protected]