The Consorzio Italiano Vivaisti (also known as "Centro Innovazione Varietale") has been breeding new apple and strawberry varieties since the eighties.
"CIV now - explains Marco Bertolazzi, CIV business development manager - focuses on improving three dimensions: (1) fruit quality, (2) agronomy, including pest resistance, and (3) sustainable business models. The combination of these elements gives rise to new good-tasting apple varieties able to satisfy the modern consumer needs and at the same time providing interesting solutions for the other stakeholders (e.g.: easy-to-manage tree, high productivity, long storability, resistance to bruising and fruit manipulation related damages, etc.) and for the environment itself. Indeed, CIV new varieties are almost always resistant to at least one disease (mainly scab but in the near future scab+mildew)."
CIV has indeed always been very sensitive to the issue of environmental sustainability and was a pioneer in the development of high-quality Scab Resistant Varieties. These apple varieties, besides, to producing fruit with a high level of sugar, are moderately vigorous with an easy-to-manage tree habitus. They also are early bearing varieties with a high and constant yield.
Sweet Resistant Bundle – Smeralda
Smeralda is a variety resulting from the CIV breeding program in 2010 and belonging to the Sweet Resistant Bundle. It is an eco-friendly scab resistant green to yellow variety that might be an interesting alternative to Granny Smith or Golden, depending on the Grower / Fruit Marketer's objectives. The long-picking window, indeed, allows the producers/marketers to harvest the fruit when they are green or yellowish/yellow.
Differentiating Features – Smeralda
The following traits have been repeatedly observed and are determined to be unique characteristics of 'Smeraldà which in combination distinguish this apple tree as a new and distinct variety:
• Skin color that might vary according to the harvest time;
• Scab resistance;
• Compact habit and short branches, easy to manage and ...
• High sugar content and a "sparkling" acidity (especially in green fruit), that gives a balanced flavor;
• Amazingly long storability, irrespective of the harvesting time.
Gaia pbr Plaus
Sweet Resistant Bundle– Gaia
Gaia is a variety resulting from the CIV breeding program in 2010 and belonging to the Sweet Resistant Bundle. It is an early-ripening, eco-friendly scab resistant variety that is unique due to its squeezed shape and typical coloration with red clearly visible stripes. It is a very productive variety, easy to cultivate, which is usually grown and sold in the early season, within autumn, as organic apple.
Differentiating Features – Gaia
The following traits have been repeatedly observed and are determined to be unique characteristics of 'Gaià which in combination distinguish this apple tree as a new and distinct variety:
• Tree with short branches, so easy to manage
• Scab resistance, so eco-friendly and suitable for organic production
• Eye-catching red color with red stripes
• Typical and uniquely squeezed shape
• High sugar content
• Great flavor and creamy flesh
• Ideal for direct sales to commuters, retailers, hotels, restaurants, etc.
• Good storability for an early-ripening apple
Sweet Resistant Bundle– Fujion
Fujion is a variety resulting from the CIV breeding program in 2010 and belonging to the Sweet Resistant Bundle. aesthetically similar to Fuji, this interesting variety by CIV is a great alternative of Fuji clones having three advantages: better storability (better fruit quality of the Fruit taken out from the cold room from February on), no biennial bearing and scab resistance. Finally, the harvest period is more concentrated than for Fuji and can generally be completed in two pickings.
Differentiating Features – Fujion
The following traits have been repeatedly observed and are determined to be unique characteristics of 'Fujion' which in combination distinguish this apple tree as a new and distinct variety:
• Tree short branches, easy to manage, no biannual bearing
• Scab resistant, Eco-friendly
• Bright red color across almost its entire surface, even in areas covered by leaves and other vegetation while it is on the tree.
• Very sweet, juicy, crisper than on Fuji clones with blushed color.
• Smooth, star-shape lenticels
• Great flavor and creamy flesh
• High storability and good quality of fruit stored for long time (better than traditional Fujis)
• Ideal for niche organic production
Besides the strong effort of breeding valuable apple hybrids, CIV has been focusing on the selection of totally red and striped clones of traditional and CIV old Fuji and Gala clones.
CIV Gala Improvements – CIVT15* T-Rex®
CIVT15* T-Rex® results from the CIV breeding program dedicated to select improved clones of Galas and Fujis. This project is not simply aimed at identifying these interesting new mutations, but also at guaranteeing the genetic stability of the plant material delivered to the customers and the constant effort to improve the existing CIV clones
This Gala Clone is belongs to the "Full Red category", but it is bigger that the other commonly planted ones and it can be cultivated in non-coloring growing areas (in which normally growers struggle to get red apples) and that can be harvested a bit earlier than other Galas.
Differentiating Features – CIVT15* T-Rex®
The following traits have been repeatedly observed and are determined to be unique characteristics of 'CIVT15* T-Rex®' which in combination distinguish this apple tree as a new and distinct variety:
• Can be cultivated in non-coloring areas (in which normally growers struggle to get red apples)
• Can be harvested a bit earlier than other Galas without jeopardizing the sugar accumulation
• Dark red color that looks fresh and pleasant
• Great flavor and creamy flesh
• Good storability
• Tree easy to manage
CIVT15* T-Rex® results from the CIV breeding program dedicated to select improved clones of Galas and Fujis. This project is not simply aimed at identifying these interesting new mutations, but also at guaranteeing the genetic stability of the plant material delivered to the customers and the constant effort to improve the existing CIV clones.
"The above-reported new CIV apple varieties - comments Marco Bertolazzi, CIV business development manager - are registering more and more consensus at the European level while focusing on becoming a new valid reference point for the different categories of the Apple Market".