The search for new export destinations for Belgian fruit is one of that country's top priorities. That's after the Russian market fell away. Belgian products have gained access to Canada, Brazil, Thailand, and Vietnam. Now it's Mexico's turn. They opened their market of 129 million consumers specifically to Belgian apples.
In recent years, two Belgian entities have done everything possible to create decent market access for that country's fruit to new markets. These are the Association of Belgian Horticulture Auctions (VBT), and the Belgian Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain. That is, certainly, not an easy task. They have to heed each country's specific requirements.
In practice, it means clear agreements must be reached between the exporting and importing country. On Thursday, the Belgians received the good news - Mexico is willing to admit Belgian apples to its market. "This is yet another first, albeit small, step towards opening up new destinations," says a VBT spokesperson. "Last year, our pears were admitted to the huge Mexican market. The first containers of pears have already been shipped."
There aren't only efforts to open new export markets. The Belgian fruit and vegetable sector continues to invest heavily in promoting its fruit in both the domestic and export markets. The Flemish Center for Agro‑ and Fisheries Marketing estimates a budget of over €1.7 million for this in 2021. Belgium will invest part of this amount in further developing markets. These are in countries to which the Belgian organizations have created access. That's vital because sales markets in all these new export destinations still need to be effectively expanded.
The Belgian fruit sector is floundering heavily. "That's clear to everyone. If we want to turn the tide, the different players in the field will have to make an extra effort. In the past, the fruit sector has proven to be very resilient to crises. We believe that's the case now too. That's because there will always be interest in guaranteed quality products. These are products like Belgian apples and pears", concluded the VBT spokesperson.
For more information:Luc Vanoirbeek
Association of Belgian
Horticulture Auctions (VBT)
136 Tiensevest
B-300, Leuven, Belgium
Tel: +32 (0) 162 00 080
Email: [email protected]