"Because of the fruits' quality, I'm fairly optimistic about the top fruit market," says Alex van Leperen of Direct Fruit Services. This Dutch company specializes in marketing apples and pears. He notes the apple and pear harvests seem to be good. That's regarding both quality and volume.
"When it comes to quality, the products are good. They have nice peel quality, excellent flavor, and good sugar levels." However, in mid-September, the market still had to get going. The beautiful summer weather more than likely drove people to buy summer products. So, strawberries rather than Elstar apples or Conference pears. "We started pretty early, but sales were disappointing."
Alex emphasizes the importance of two things. Continuing to serve the market well and not holding on to all this produce. That will help with market development. "Promotions stimulate higher consumption in our product group." He realizes that both growers and traders are faced with a cost price. But, Alex sees promotions as a short-term investment that's beneficial in the longer term. This is separate from developments around COVID-19 and Brexit. Both of these significantly affect the top fruit market. However, Alex says, currently, how either will develop can't be predicted.
He might be moderately optimistic about the top fruit market's development. But Alex is less positive about top fruit cultivation in the Netherlands. The weather, for example, poses an ever-increasing risk to growers. Take, for instance, the increasing heat and associated water shortages. "If the climate trend of the last ten years continues, we'll soon have to go to Denmark to grow pears."
"Weather conditions are making it increasingly difficult to continue growing fruit at the right cost price level," Alex concludes. The economic climate troubles him too. There are measures around labor and tax levies on healthy products. These create a massive cost price difference with the Netherlands' direct neighbors. And that could put pressure on production in the longer term.
Voor meer informatie:
Direct Fruit Services BV
Lichtschip 49
3991 CP Houten
Tel: 030-3031400
Fax: 030-3031399
[email protected]