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Ive Lambert, Starfruit, Belgium

“Limited supply and boat delays causing shortage on the avocado market”

The mango market's in transition from Peru to the Ivory Coast. "The Peruvian season's almost over. The last boats are in, and next week, the last airfreight mangos will arrive," says Ive Lambert of Belgian import company Starfruit. "Peru's had a generally good season. They didn't have a big price dip, which happens in some years. Still, there are always a few difficult weeks. There weren't extreme prices like last year. It's been a normal season, price and import-wise."

“We're getting the first boatloads of mangos from the Ivory Coast this week. That country's had a poorer harvest, so the sizes are very large this year. Normally they have the opposite problem and pick many small sizes. These large numbers of large gradings can sometimes cause problems for supermarket programs. Many supermarkets want size 8 or 9. But this year, less than ten percent of the crop is size 9."

Lambert says the avocado market is currently dramatic. "There's very little supply. This week, there are particularly low volumes coming in. The boats have been delayed for many weeks. And the authorities are carrying out many scans in the ports. That also causes delays. Right now, most of the avocados come from Peru. The Spanish, Moroccan, Mexican, and Colombian seasons are just about over. And South Africa is just about to start."

“We're in a real supply dip. However, prices aren't sky-high. They're quite high. But you now truly miss the closed hospitality industry. Supplies should increase next week. For now, however, the market won't be oversupplied. The new Peruvian crop is also maturing quite slowly. Avocados usually ripen in 36 hours, but now it's taking four to five days. Along with the delays, this makes for a rather difficult market," concludes Ive.

For more information:
Ive Lambert
Starfruit Company
112-154 Werkhuizenkaai
Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 (0) 224 20 876
Email: [email protected]    

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