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Wholesale Produce Supply brings on new vice president of sales & marketing

Wholesale Produce Supply LLC, a fresh produce logistics and inventory management solutions provider and a Cross Rapids Capital portfolio company, has hired Jeremy Taylor as the company's vice president of sales & marketing. 

With over 10 years of extensive hands-on experience in fresh produce sales and marketing, Taylor brings ambition and knowledge to Wholesale Produce Supply. In his new role, Taylor will lead the sales and marketing teams and develop strategies to drive growth and customer success.

"Jeremy is a difference maker and his proven track record in sales and marketing makes him the perfect fit for our team," said Jason Dugan, chief executive officer. "We are excited to have him on board and look forward to his contributions to the company's continued success."

Prior to joining the company, Taylor held the vice president of sales & marketing role for DNO Produce. He has a strong background in developing successful sales strategies, building customer relationships and driving revenue growth.

"I am thrilled to join the team and work with such a talented group of professionals," said Taylor. "I look forward to leveraging my experience and expertise to help the company achieve its goals and continue to deliver high-quality products and services to customers."

For more information:
Jason Dugan
Wholesale Produce Supply  
Tel: +1 (651) 395-6248                    
[email protected] 

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