“The Organic Produce Summit is a show we always look forward to. The staff is wonderful and every year they provide great space and opportunity to meet with retailers in person,” says Brianna Shales of Stemilt Growers LLC. “We’re excited to align with them for Stemilt Artisan Organics® programs this summer and fall.”
This year, the company will feature Artisan Organics apples, cherries and stone fruit and a new sustainable apple pack called the EZ Band at OPS.
The sustainable apple pack is called the EZ Band.
The EZ Band is 100 percent recyclable and provides a sustainable packaging solution to sell medium-large sized organic apples. Its design makes it easy to stock and shop with merchandising and it’s an option for retailers looking to merchandise bulk organic apples and ensure they get the organic ring at the register via a UPC and sell the fruit on count and in online formats as well.
The EZ Band was gleaned from similar packaging for apples that is common in Europe, where apples are not sold in bulk but in packages. It’s made from 100 percent paperboard including the tension band holding it together and is how2recycle approved.
Stemilt plans to grow in organic volume this year, especially for Cosmic Crisp® apples. The climate in Washington State is suited for growing organically and the company has been transitioning apple orchards to organic for some time. It takes three years to complete the transition to organic, so this growth is planned and aimed at providing consumers with high-flavor varieties in organic options.
Stemilt Artisan Organics's line includes peaches (left) and apricots.
Stemilt Artisan Organics stone fruit, including peaches, nectarines and apricots, are entirely organic and full of sugars and flavors. The company moved back to organic in 2009 to differentiate its product on flavor.
Stemilt continues to use best-growing practices in organics and organic cherries, though organic cherries can be difficult to grow.
This year’s apricot crop will bring big sizes and larger volumes than the year previous. Apricots will return in mid-June through July. On organic peaches and nectarines, it expects similar volumes as last year, which was a good-sized crop. Excellent conditions during bloom should yield great fruit size and flavors should be strong as well because of a lot of warm days.
The season should start mid-July and then run well into September with August and September having promotion opportunities. Great flavors are made when cool nights and long, hot days combine giving apricots a balance of sweetness and tartness. The Douglas family grows all of Stemilt’s apricots, peaches and nectarines 100 percent organically in Pasco, Washington in the Columbia Basin. Each year, the family uses the best practices to pick fruit at the right stage of ripeness for the best flavor, quality and size.
For more information:
Brianna Shales
Stemilt Growers LLC