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Souty Seif, export specialist at RejoicePro

"Egypt adapted quickly to the spike in onions' demand"

The climatic disruptions and global inflation that marked the beginning of the year affected stocks and prices of several key crops. Onions were particularly concerned, as the largest onion-producing countries banned exports to protect their domestic markets. Amid the "onion crisis", Egypt stood out for the stability and increase in its production and export flows. Two months before the end of the onion season, Souty Seif, export specialist at RejoicePro, praises the Egyptian model.

The exporter said: "In a global context, marked by uncertainty and real threats to food security, we are proud of our resilience and ability to produce and supply markets with the products they need. It's in difficult times like these that we prove we are reliable partners, and reinforce Egypt's status as a trusted source of agricultural products. But this is not without challenges, the biggest of which is being able to source a quality product in the volumes required."

Souty continues: "For example, when it comes to onions, buyers from all over the world have turned to Egypt this year, and demand has skyrocketed in a short timelapse. Exporters had to work hard to source quality produce. This also coincided with the first year we added onions to our product range at RejoicePro. Our approach was to target growers whose production is of high quality, but who find it difficult to access international markets, mainly due to limited expertise in the export process. We offered these producers margins above the market average. At a time when the national ambition is to make Egypt a central player on the onions map, we want RejoicePro to be a reliable partner for producers and customers alike. To this end, we have teamed up with the agritech and subcontracting company Mozare3".

Souty Seif, export specialist at RejoicePro

The spike in demand for Egyptian onions is circumstantial and linked to an exceptional context. A return to the usual market configuration, where India, Central Asian countries, and Western Europe dominate the onion market, is not to be ruled out. Souty comments: "No one can predict how the situation will evolve, but we definitely achieved irreversible advances this year. Firstly, many markets have discovered high-quality Egyptian onions, at cheap prices and within a more accessible delivery window, in the varieties and sizes preferred by consumers. More importantly, we demonstrated the effectiveness of the Egyptian agricultural model, capable of adapting quickly, even in real-time, to new needs with high volumes and quality to international standards, at times of global shortage."

Souty relates RejoicePro's experience: "This year, we exported 70 tons of red onions and 50 tons of golden onions per week, in the sizes 40-60, 60-80, and 80+. We shipped our products to Europe, the Far East, Africa, and the Gulf countries, as we hold the necessary certifications, such as Global GAP and BRC. If demand for Egyptian onions continues in the same vein as this year, which is very likely, we have the capacity to triple our volumes as early as next season."

The exporter concludes, "Our product range also includes sweet potatoes, pomegranates, and grapes. For these products as well, we noticed a growing demand this year."

For more information:
Souty Seif
Tel: +201278644161
Email: [email protected]