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Ayman El Sayed, sales & export manager of Fresh Zone

"Climate and production costs reduced volumes by 20%"

The Egyptian sweet potato campaign has just begun and will last until February 2024, in a context of lower volumes than in the same period of the previous season, and strong demand. Ayman El Sayed, Sales and Export Manager at Fresh Zone, gives an overview of the campaign kick-off.

Despite growers' plans at the end of the previous campaign to increase volumes this season, unfavorable weather conditions led to a drop in yields. But this is only temporary, assures El Sayed. The grower explains, "We encountered unexpected difficulties during the growing phase, caused by weather disturbances. The climate in Egypt has changed significantly compared to last year, with a late summer only starting in May. This affected schedules and reduced volumes of spring sweet potatoes. However, the hotter than usual summer will lead to good summer crops."

"In addition, many growers have converted their sweet potato acreage to other crops, due to the sharp increase in their production costs, which have risen by over 60%. For all these reasons, volumes are around 20% lower than for the same period last season", adds El Sayed.

In terms of varieties produced, there is no substantial difference compared to the previous season, according to El Sayed, the most widespread varieties being Beauregard (red flesh) and Abis (local variety, white flesh).

The drop in volumes in Egypt is not destabilizing producers and exporters, says El Sayed. "Competition is in full swing, but other origins are also affected by the same problems, and there is a shortage of sweet potatoes on the international markets. We are therefore seeing an increase in demand for Egyptian sweet potatoes, and Egypt remains one of the main exporters to European markets."

In terms of market trends, El Sayed says: "We've just launched the campaign and it's still early to see market patterns, but we're seeing strong interest from the UK, the Netherlands, Russia, Germany, Italy, and the Gulf countries."

For more information:

Ayman El Sayed
Fresh Zone
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