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Strong US apple season will be celebrated in Anaheim

As Honeybear Brands welcomes visitors to Booth 2071 at the International Fresh Produce Association show on October 19, it is already helping retailers navigate what is shaping up to be a strong apple season.

Honeybear Brand's Michigan growing team.

"We’re seeing robust crops across the Midwest and on the coast," says Don Roper, vice president. "This means strong supply for retailers and delicious fruit on hand for shoppers. From regional and mainline varieties to premium Honeycrisp and Pazazz, there will be a good supply of apples to move."

Honeybear Brand's new production partner Elite Apple Co. helps ensure a consistent supply from the Midwest’s premium apple growing regions.

Located in Sparta, Michigan, Elite Apple expands Honeybear Brands' supply of regional varieties. Combined with the company’s legacy Washington production, retailers are afforded low landed costs to keep shelves fresh with consumers’ favorite varieties.

The company’s newest apple variety – Honeymoon— debuted at IFPA last year. This new variety features tropical notes and adds a colorful yellow punch to retail decks.

Pazazz apples will be released in late October.

New crop Pazazz will be released in late October with supply coming from Washington, Minnesota, New York and Nova Scotia. These apples, with their sweet and tangy flavor and crunch have become a favorite among apple aficionados! Retailers can rest assured they are providing shoppers with a flavorful and crunchy variety that lasts.

For a second year, Honeybear Brands is promoting “Good Mood Food” to help connect apples to shoppers seeking healthy food options. In-store signage touting apples’ mood-boosting benefits will educate consumers and drive apple sales. “Eating an apple triggers the release of dopamine which provides a sense of happiness. We want shoppers to understand that benefit, along with all the other amazing things apples do for our bodies,” said Kristi Harris, brand manager.

In addition, social media campaigns feature food blogger custom content and book sweepstakes from New York Times bestselling expert on the Blue Zones, Dan Buettner. Chef Elle Simone of America’s Test Kitchen lends her support to the company’s partnership with the American Institute of Cancer Research.

For more information:
Kristi Harris
Honeybear Brands
[email protected]

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