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Italian consortium to show varietal innovation in apple and strawberries in Madrid

CIV- Consorzio Italiano Vivaisti di San Giuseppe di Comacchio is ready for Fruit Attraction in Madrid Exhibition with all its range of varietal innovation in apple and strawberries.

Mauro Grossi, president of the CIV, says: "The CIV breeding program is based on three pillars: The fruit quality, an increasingly important factor because attention is growing to new varieties that have high organoleptic characteristics and are also highly distinctive from the point of view of shape, aesthetics, color, firmness, and consistency of the flesh and, not least, the storage of the fruit. The second pillar foresees that the varieties are productive from an agronomic point of view and characterized by an architecture of the plant such as to facilitate the harvesting and, therefore, also to reduce the collection costs. The third pillar is that of eco-sustainability: obtaining varieties that are resistant, or at least tolerant, to some diseases, for example, compared to the most important root and/or leaf diseases, would reduce the use of pesticides and consequent CO2 emissions.".

Federico Stanzani, the CIV Commercial Director: "Our most recent projects in the apple market are RedPop® and Desy®. Today, RedPop/CIVM49pbr is produced in South Tyrol, one of the most suitable areas in the world for apple cultivation. Thanks to the partnership with VOG, that has acquired the exclusive rights for the production and marketing of RedPop/CIVM49pbr for the whole European territory and neighbouring countries. Desy/CIVM65*, developed by the European Exclusive Licensee Rajpol Sp. Z.o.o. has a bright red color, crunchy flesh, juicy and sweet. It is an apple that can also afford a long storage, particularly suitable for export. Both these varieties are scab-resistant, which allows farmers to do fewer phytosanitary treatments and thus lower the environmental impact."

Commenting on the CIV strawberry portfolio, Stanzani adds: "In addition to the consolidated presence of our varieties for Northern Europe, where thanks to the activity of our Partner Idris Consulting Ltd, we are registering excellent performance together with the evergreen MURANOpbr and also with Ania®/CIVRH612pbr, VIVARApbr, and Cantus®/CIVRH621pbr, we are also focusing on the Mediterranean area to increase the weight on the market share of our varieties from the South through a tailormade breeding and evaluation of specific selections in Basilicata (Italy) and Huelva (Spain) with the Partnership of T&V CONSULTING Rafael Vargas and Francisco M. Tirado Monge and the activation of strategic collaborations with major local players."

"Our strength consists of the fact that, thanks to our long-term cooperations, we can experiment with varieties in the major Research Centers in Europe in different areas so as to always have a feedback on how a variety will behave in the high mountains, in the valley or in the plains, because it is evident that each area has different needs," explains the Commercial Director.

Visit CIV at Hall 8, stand D12.

For more information:
Consorzio Italiano Vivaisti

Tel.: +39 0533 399431
Email: [email protected]

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